Pre-Order ‘The Bottomless Landing’


‘The Bottomless Landing’

‘The Bottomless Landing’ is in the publisher’s oven and will be ready to serve on 23rd May, 2025 The ‘dishes’ are poeticals. A few are old favourite ‘recipes’ from this book’s predecessor - ‘Simply This’ - published in May 2005 and long out of print. Pre-order for £8 plus p & p UK only by e-mailing here.

Content? It could be labelled as radically ‘non-dual’. In reality, there is no such ‘thing’, only life ‘as it is’.

For no reason but the total delight of seeming to share, poeticals dance their way through a menu from ‘Unappetizing Aperitifs’ to ‘Divine Desserts’ with all kinds of delicacies in between.

An e-book will follow for those who prefer…

Works in Progress

Two tales are demanding they be put to bed next: ’Sex and Tea’ (working title), last in the ‘Distinguished Leaves’ series, and ‘A Year with Lady M’ (an unusual affair and forray into prose).

‘The Song of Everything’ will be the last in the non-duality trilogy of poeticals, arriving at some point over the next 20 years, although of course nothing can be known…